Programme Day 3

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Day 3: Saturday, January 7, 2023

All times are Hawaii Standard Time (UTC -10 hours). See the time converter tool

Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4Session 5
09:00-10:40: On-site Parallel Presentation Session 1
Room 318A: Teaching and Learning
67290 | Enhancing Language Skills and Creative Thinking Through the Creation of Digital Storytelling
66251 | The Advancing Comprehension and Engagement (ACE) Literacy Project: Encouraging Resilience in the Home Literacy Environment
65987 | What About Us? Pedagogy for Multilingual Learners

Room 318B: Cyberspace & Technology
64809 | Waste Management Workers’ Safety Concerns during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ghana
67198 | Examining Junior High School Students’ Personality Factors as Predictive Indices of Adolescent Digital Technology Interaction and Importance
66197 | Climate Change and Tourism in Small Coastal Communities: A Case Study Assessing Vulnerability and Resilience
66323 | Architecture + Quality: Rethinking, Rebooting + Resilience in a Radically Shifting Ethos

Room 321A: International Arts & Humanities
66799 | Honouring the Spirit of the Late Dudley George: Reviewing Ipperwash Inquiry
66418 | Learning Through Storytelling: Supporting Teachers With SDG2 Resources in a Time for Building Resilience and Hope (Moved to Virtual Presentation)
64804 | Respect, Inclusion, and Collaboration : Two Community-Oriented Case Studies in the Informal Arts Research
66508 | Interviews with Healthcare Workers: Personal Wellness Benefits of Music

Room 321B: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
65980 | Impacts of Authentic Learning Experiences in an Educational Outreach Program on Graduate Students’ Careers: A Longitudinal Study
66250 | Paving the Path to the New Normal: Using Peer-Led Professional Development to Move Institutions and Individuals Forward
65053 | Initiatives on Performing Lesson Study in Egypt-Japan Schools (EJS) – Towards Realizing New Professional Development Scheme –
67296 | Exploring Perceptions and Practices Among Teacher Candidates and Mentor Teachers: A Clinical Immersion Model for Professional Development

Room 323A: Higher Education
65907 | Collaborative and Reflective Learning: Creating Synergistic Scholars and Scholarship at an Urban HBCU
65940 | Motivations for Women in STEM Pursuing Advanced Degrees
67135 | Legal, Economic, and Social Impacts of Public Schools’ Leadership in an Urban School District in a Mid-Atlantic State (Moved to Saturday)
66462 | Leadership in Two-Year, Open-Access Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs)

Room 323B: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
67164 | Instructors’ Perceptions of the Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating Technology in Crisis-prompted Online Language Instruction in the Times of Covid-19
67166 | Mead’s Philosophy of Education: Implications for Online Learning
66711 | Teachers’ Readiness, Teaching and Research Competence in the New Normal: Implications to Educational Policy
66007 | “That Was a Masterpiece!”: Crafting Effective Workshops for Japanese Pre-service Teachers of English

Room 317A: Challenging & Preserving: Culture, Inter/Multiculturalism & Language
67070 | Perceptions of School Belonging Among Pacific Islander College Students
66158 | The Sound of Identity: The Artistic Interpretations of Wāhine Māori Through Audio Portraiture
67205 | CSI: Cultural Summit Investigation
67067 | Perceptions of Ethnic Identity Among Pacific Islander College Students

Room 317B: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
65708 | Digital Badges and Teaching Arabic: A Suggested Micro Credential Design to Teach Arabic for Non-Native Speakers
67156 | Towards a Mixed-pragmatic Account of Japanese Study Abroad Participation: A Proposal
67017 | Spanning Physical, Cultural and Discipline Boundaries Through International Digital Collaboration

Room 322A: Education, Sustainability & Society
66492 | Quality Education and Economic Growth in Sub Saharan African Countries for Developing Countries (Moved to Virtual Presentation)
66133 | Civic Virtue and the American School (Moved to Virtual Presentation)
65792 | Building Sustainable and Resilient Structures to Advance Social Justice Equity in Higher Education: A Case Study
66870 | The Beginning of the End: How the Supreme Court is Poised to Whittle Away of the Right to Privacy

Room 322B: Interdisciplinary Education
67234 | Providing Accessible Learning Materials for the Diverse Learner: Equitable Learning Opportunities Provided Through School Libraries
66068 | Preservice Music Education Preparation: Is It Full of Dinosaurs or Deviceful Ideas?
67327 | Multidisciplinary Curriculum Integration to Enhance Student Career-Readiness Skills
67034 | From Heung Shan to Tan Heung Shan – Understanding Early “Chinese” Migrants to Hawaii as Part of a Worldwide Cantonese

10:55-12:35: On-site Parallel Presentation Session 2
Room 318A: Teaching and Learning
66078 | New Educational Concept in Higher Education: Tutorials
66117 | Modular Learning Approach at the Catanduanes State University During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Moved to Virtual Presentation)
67227 | Pre-service Teachers’ Best Possible Teacher Selves – Just Before the Covid-19
66999 | Family Engagement in P-12 Education: Diverse Perspectives from Parents and Guardians

Room 318B: International Arts & Humanities
65168 | Integrative Public Policy on Sustainable Development in Egypt’s Mega Projects
66490 | University/Industry-Collaboration in Industrial Design Education: A Practical Model

Room 321A: Political Science, Politics
62144 | Empowerment and Translocal Solidarity: Resisting Coal Mining in the North of Chhattisgarh, India (Cancelled)
67073 | The Dynamics of Good Person Discourse and its Conduct Under Prayut Chan-O-Cha’s Administration
66245 | Flânerie on the Sabarmati: A Benjaminian Critique of the Riverfront Project

Room 321B: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
67274 | The Obstructive Effects of Pandemic on EAP Learners’ Socialization Experiences: Focused on Academic Integrity
67301 | The Evolving Role of a Self-Access Center in Response to COVID-19
66336 | Cameras on or Off? Learner Attitudes to Camera Use in Online Classes and Willingness to Communicate in English
65989 | Leader, Lead Thy Self? Contract Grading as Parallel Learning for Student in the MSW in Critical Leadership at McMaster University

Room 323A: Higher Education
67300 | Strengthening STEM Pathways Through Collaboration
67611 | Leveraging Understanding of Magnetic Force From Physics to Overcome Unproductive Intuitions in Biology and Earth Science
65824 | Access to Integrative and Experiential Learning: An Examination of Co-teaching in Teacher Education
66861 | The Mathematics and Science Backgrounds of Elementary Preservice Teachers

Room 323B: Education, Sustainability & Society
65949 | The Role of Food Literacy, Beliefs, and Social Cognition in the Sustainable Food Choices of Youth
67128 | Online Trauma-informed Transition Training: Child-focussed Participatory Training for Foster Caregivers
67264 | ‘It Takes a Village’: How Narewa Village, Fiji Supported Students During a 9-month School Closure During the Covid-19 Pandemic
67226 | No Room at the Club: Race and Gender Biases Towards Women of Color in Higher Education

Room 317A: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
67368 | Adolescent NHPI Educational Attainment in California and the US: Barriers and Opportunities
65937 | Institutional Responses to Violence in Students’ Lives: Addressing Adversity and Developing Resilience in Campus Learning Environments
65459 | Restorative Practices in a California Public Charter School
65962 | Learning Experiences in Summer Bridge Program for Successful Retention of Post-secondary Hispanic Students in Puerto Rico

Room 317B: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
66116 | Problems Encountered by Teachers During Online Learning at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Catanduanes State University Experience
65712 | Students’ Perspectives of Attendance Taking and Student-teacher Communication via the ARS During the First Year of Emergency Remote Teaching
66263 | Transforming Pedagogy and Technology Integration After COVID Remote Teaching
66932 | Capturing the Successes and Failures During Pandemic Teaching: An Investigation of University Students’ Perceptions of Their Faculty’s Emergency Remote Teaching

Room 322A: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
65635 | Retracing, Reimagining and Reconciling our Roots in Social Work Education in Canada
67037 | Rethinking Multicultural Groupwork Education
65871 | Connecting to Place: Transforming Teacher Practice Through Place Conscious Pedagogy
66313 | Pedagogical Moves to Counter Resistance: Developing Ideologically Clear Teachers

Room 322B: Challenging & Preserving: Culture, Inter/Multiculturalism & Language
67069 | Teacher Instructional Moves and Choices That Facilitate Pacific Island Students Sense of Belonging
67068 | Students’ Perceptions of Language Education Policies in Fiji and Its Impact on Students’ Ethnic Identity and School Belonging
65718 | Faith and Works … or is It Works and Faith? Discerning an Authentic Expression of Faith in the Samoan Church
66636 | Turning on My Identity Switch: Cultural Identity and Conflicts of Korean Heritage Speakers in the United States

12:50-13:40: On-site Parallel Presentation Session 3
Room 318A: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability (Workshop)
64910 | Creating a Circle of Compassion: A Wholistic Approach for Educators to Support Students Who Have Experienced Trauma

Room 318B: Curriculum Design & Development (Workshop)
65234 | Application of the Music Model of Motivation in the Classroom

Room 321A: Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education (Workshop)
65364 | Demystifying Reading Comprehension with Web-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Room 321B: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity (Workshop)
65685 | Mindfulness In Education and a Trauma Informed Practice – Supporting All Students in an Inclusive, Safe Environment

Room 323A: Language Development & Literacy (Workshop)
66258 | Strategies for College Professors: How to Prepare Teacher Candidates to Teach Literacy

Room 323B: Higher Education (Workshop)
67238 | Learner Autonomy via FLIP Design to Achieve Higher-Level Language Proficiency (Cancelled)

Room 317A: Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Education (Workshop)
67326 | Multidisciplinary Curriculum Integration in Higher Education: Implementation Models, Challenges, and Successes

Room 317B: Education, Sustainability & Society (Workshop)
65902 | Experiences of Service Providers Working with HIV Communities Amidst COVID 19

Room 322A: Higher Education (Workshop)
66391 | A Women’s Interdisciplinary Faculty Writing Group: Reflections on Job Crafting and Resilience

Room 322B: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis (Workshop)
66855 | Why We Don’t Do What Works: Practice Tips Our Brains Like but We Avoid

13:55-15:10: On-site Parallel Presentation Session 4
Room 318A: History/Historiography
66101 | Rethinking the 1951 Japanese Peace Treaty and Taiwan’s Legal Status from the Perspective of British Foreign Office Legal Advisers (1945-1955)
66658 | Female Figures on Labor Memorials of Construction Industry in Taiwan
65315 | Trans-Cultural Encounter in Occupied Japan? Race, Gender, Class in Post-WWII “Private Sphere”

Room 318B: Teaching and Learning
67240 | A Latent Profile Analysis of University Students’ Career Barriers
65834 | Leveraging the Power of Community Stakeholders to Close Learning Gaps
65419 | Persistence and Resilience – The Indomitable Spirit of Jamaican Canadian Adults Who Migrated to Canada as Children

Room 321A: Language, Linguistics
66481 | Characterizing the Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Japanese L2 Writing: Final Results
66514 | The Use of Language as a Cognitive Tool in French Immersion Programming
67251 | The Views on Linguistic Imperialism in Multicultural Classroom

Room 321B: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
66223 | Reading, Primary Education, and Program Reauthorization – When Legislation Clashes With What Research Says
65612 | Training at the Heart of Concerns in Francophone Minority Communities: To Collectively Commit Under a Shared Leadership to Meet This Challenge
66942 | Exploring the Transformative Impact of Language Teachers’ Autoethnographies in a Teacher Education Course

Room 323A
- No Presentations

Room 323B: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
64970 | Development of “Theory-Constructed Classes”
66539 | Necessity of Empirical Evidence in Scientific Qualitative Methods
65853 | Using Multiple Representations to Teach Energy – An Alternative Conceptual Approach

Room 317A: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
65906 | The Effect of Early Education Programming on Later Academic Outcomes
66217 | Prototyping a Student Support Service Model Towards Greater Student Success
66127 | Educational Leadership in Times of Crisis: Some Lessons From the Biography of the Duke of Wellington

Room 317B: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
66248 | “I Did Not Know That the Children Loved Dancing… Until the Projector Came”: Constructions of Dance in School-age Educare
66122 | How can Information and Communication Technology (ICT) be Used to Assess Children’s Development in Kindergarten Classrooms?
67071 | A Model for Using Data and Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Support Students’ Learning Needs

Room 322A: Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
66218 | A Novel Mathematical Communication Tool to Overcome Barriers to Active Participation
67243 | Bridging the Gap Between the Learners and the Educational Designer for Learning Experiences in the Discussion Forum of MOOC
66374 | Digital Natives at Last: The Effect of the Pandemic on Technology Adoption in Japan

Room 322B: Teaching and Learning
67236 | Studying Literature with Empathy: Shifting from In-Class to Online Asynchronous Teaching (Moved from 323A)
64808 | Integrating Citizen Science Projects (CSP) in Philippine Formal Science Education: Results and Perspectives from Pre-service Science Teachers
66012 | The South African National School Nutrition Programme in Primary and Secondary School: Reflection on the Realisation of Expected and Intended Impacts

15:25-16:40: On-site Parallel Presentation Session 5
Room 318A: International Humanities
66208 | The Many Faces of Drákon: A Multiperspectival Interpretation of Dragon Motifs
66283 | Aggression and the Motif of Docility in Cultic Animals of Mediterranean Antiquity
66293 | Pop Standard: Film, Music, and the Making of the Hong Kong New Wave

Room 318B: Literature/Literary Studies
66209 | Distinguished Female Kanshi Poets Princess Uchiko and Hara Saihin — Paternal Influence and Artistic Freedom —
66576 | The Space Beyond the Wall of Marabar Cave: “The Nirvana of Love” in Okakura Tenshin’s Opera Manuscript
66440 | Puruyanan: The Waray Concept of Home in Selected Poems of Victor N. Sugbo

Room 321A: Language, Linguistics
66335 | “Human Rights” in China’s and US’s News Media before and during the Pandemic: A Corpus-assisted Comparative Discourse Study
66074 | A Study of Metaphorical Expressions based in Up Sense of Happiness in English and Vietnamese
66489 | The Multilingual Landscape of California as a Pedagogical Resource for Developing Critical Language Awareness

Room 321B: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
66996 | Teen Voices from the City: How School Instrumental Music Students Persevere and Thrive
66237 | Exploring Belonginess in Undergraduate Science Students: The Intersectionality of Self-identified Minority Status and Gender
66230 | Who has Access? Mapping Informal STEM Learning in Canada

Room 323A: International Education
65844 | Countering Colonial Violence: A Care-Ethic Framework for International Education
67315 | The Effect of Social Media Use on School Learning: Evidence from PISA 2018
66212 | Competences 4.0 as Resilience Factors in Educational Project Management During COVID-19

Room 323B: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
67146 | The At-risk Brain: What Every Teachers Should Know!
66053 | Sexuality and Sexual Education for People with Disabilities
66054 | Multiple Means of (Mis)representation? A Critical Analysis of UDL Checkpoint 1.2

Room 317A: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
65720 | Narrative Inquiry of Teacher Candidates’ Experiences With Performance-based Assessments
65961 | Achieving Team Success in the Remote-Work Era
67994 | Seven Key Findings From the Case Study “Education Reform Policy at a Japanese Super Global University”

Room 317B: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
66705 | Navigating Jim Crow America Through a Geographic Mobility Lens: An Example Lesson
66027 | An Examination of the Collaborative Advocacy of ESL and Bilingual Teachers
66259 | Growth and Resistance: How Professional Learning Opportunities Supported Elementary Teachers to Implement AJEI Principles in Their Classrooms

Room 322A: Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
66459 | Digital “Hack Your Future” Event as Approach to Support Entrepreneurial Capacity of Students Through the Design Thinking Process
65057 | Research on the Sustainable Development of Traditional Crafts Under the Perspective of Service Design

Room 322B: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
66918 | Anxiety Japanese University Teachers Faced During the Pandemic – Lessons Learned and Strategies for Effective Management During Educational Change
65686 | Supporting Teacher Mental Health: A Call to Action
65742 | Examining the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Higher Education Leadership Success for Women

The draft version of the Conference Programme will be available online on November 21, 2024. All registered delegates will be notified of this publication by email.

*Please be aware that the above schedule may be subject to change.

Featured Presentations

  • Hawaiian Cultural Presentation: Poi Pounding
    Hawaiian Cultural Presentation: Poi Pounding
    Cultural Presentation: Darwin Kaneaiakala
  • Hawaiian Cultural Presentation: Poi Pounding
    Hawaiian Cultural Presentation: Poi Pounding
    Cultural Presentation: Darwin Kaneaiakala
  • Voyaging: From the Canoe to the Classroom
    Voyaging: From the Canoe to the Classroom
    Panel Presentation: Chris Blake, Mark K. Ellis, Catherine Fuller, Linda Furuto
  • Internationalisation and Cooperation in East Asian Higher Education
    Internationalisation and Cooperation in East Asian Higher Education
    Keynote Presentation: Brendan Howe
  • Hidden Hawaiʻi: A Huakaʻi through the Native Realities of Our Island Home
    Hidden Hawaiʻi: A Huakaʻi through the Native Realities of Our Island Home
    Keynote Presentation: Julie Kaomea
  • Weaving Knowledge Systems and Nurturing the Next Generation to Care for Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
    Weaving Knowledge Systems and Nurturing the Next Generation to Care for Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
    Panel Presentation: Pelika Andrade, Kai Hoshijo, Haunani Kāne, Randall Kosaki, Kanoe Morishige
  • Hindsight, Foresight, and Our Post-COVID Future
    Hindsight, Foresight, and Our Post-COVID Future
    Keynote Presentation: Paul McKimmy

Important Information Emails

All registered attendees will receive an Important Information email and updates in the run-up to the conference. Please check your email inbox for something from "". If you can not find these emails in your normal inbox, it is worth checking in your spam or junk mail folders as many programs filter out emails this way. If these did end up in one of these folders, please add the address to your acceptable senders' folder by whatever method your email program can do this.

Attendee Guide

Please carefully read the Attendee Guide.

Hawaiian Cultural Presentation: Poi Pounding
Cultural Presentation: Darwin Kaneaiakala

Poi is a traditional staple of Hawaiian cuisine, and is made from taro, breadfruit or plantain that is pounded into a smooth paste and eaten by hand. This Hawaiian cultural presentation demonstrates the Hawaiian traditional protocols of poi pounding using traditional tools and the kalo (taro). A tasting of the fresh poi will culminate the presentation.

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Hawaiian Cultural Presentation: Poi Pounding
Cultural Presentation: Darwin Kaneaiakala

Poi is a traditional staple of Hawaiian cuisine, and is made from taro, breadfruit or plantain that is pounded into a smooth paste and eaten by hand. This Hawaiian cultural presentation demonstrates the Hawaiian traditional protocols of poi pounding using traditional tools and the kalo (taro). A tasting of the fresh poi will culminate the presentation.

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Voyaging: From the Canoe to the Classroom
Panel Presentation: Chris Blake, Mark K. Ellis, Catherine Fuller, Linda Furuto

This panel is composed of seasoned Poynesian Voyaging Society crew members who are also educators at levels ranging from elementary to university to the larger community. The panel will discuss transmitting the lessons of the canoe to students of all ages as well as the educational platform being launched for the Moananoiākea voyage planned to start in 2023.

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Internationalisation and Cooperation in East Asian Higher Education
Keynote Presentation: Brendan Howe

East Asia (including both Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia) is a region that has contributed greatly to the concept of an “Asia-Pacific Century.” This focus has been justified by the East Asian economic development “miracle,” the absence of interstate war in the “long peace of East Asia,” and an “Eastphalian peace.” Reference has also been made to East Asia’s other miracle, the decline of mass atrocities, while Freedom House notes it is the only region of the world to have made significant gains in political freedoms in recent years. Educational institutions in the region have made steady progress up international league tables. There is growing participation by East Asian scholars in international conferences such as those organised by ISA, WISC, DSA, and AAS, and a growing number of conferences organised by such associations in Asia. Yet, many obstacles stand in the way of a true internationalisation of higher education. These include a paucity of resources, a shortage of publishing outlets, language barriers, an emphasis on hard sciences and disciplines which promote economic growth (econophoria), and relatedly, the pull of policy relevant work that offers greater prestige and financial rewards. In some cases, nationalism, and in other cases a subaltern relationship to the West (sometimes both together), restrict regional educational cooperation and development. This presentation will discuss some of these issues and shortcomings, but also propose opportunities for overcoming the challenges.

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Hidden Hawaiʻi: A Huakaʻi through the Native Realities of Our Island Home
Keynote Presentation: Julie Kaomea

A huakaʻi is a journey taken with purpose and intention. In contrast to a pleasure-seeking tour of “must-see” attractions, our kūpuna set off on huakaʻi with humility, respect, and an open mind, allowing themselves to be moved and transformed by the people and places they meet along the way. In a similar spirit, I invite you to join in this virtual huakaʻi to the “Hidden Hawaiʻi” experienced by a group of classroom teachers and graduate students in my semester-long course in Contemporary Native Hawaiian Education. We’ll journey back in time to uncover the suppressed histories of a once flourishing and internationally recognised Hawaiian nation. We’ll lay bare the stark, contemporary realities behind the touristic sheen of glossy postcard images and expose the US military’s thinly veiled threats to our Native existence. Finally, we’ll venture to hidden kipuka or tucked away oases of aloha ʻāina that have thus far resisted the ravages of rampant capitalism and development – small sovereign spaces where Kānaka can put our hands to the soil once more to unearth, cultivate, and reimagine visions of more sovereign and sustainable, Indigenous Hawaiian futures.

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Weaving Knowledge Systems and Nurturing the Next Generation to Care for Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
Panel Presentation: Pelika Andrade, Kai Hoshijo, Haunani Kāne, Randall Kosaki, Kanoe Morishige

We will highlight the diverse ways in which Kānaka ʻŌiwi (Native Hawaiian) are active in weaving ancestral knowledge systems, values, practices into multi-disciplinary research and indigenous science. These collective efforts will highlight how these ʻŌiwi and the Papahānaumokuākea Native Hawaiian Cultural Working Group are integral to protecting Papahānaumokuākea where there is no division between natural and cultural resources. These efforts are part of more than two decades of ʻŌiwi leaders and communities building pilina and kuleana to care for Papahānaumokuākea as an extension of the communities we call home.

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Hindsight, Foresight, and Our Post-COVID Future
Keynote Presentation: Paul McKimmy

The COVID pandemic challenged higher education to adapt to new parameters on a timeline no one saw coming. Typically slow to change, educational institutions made difficult changes on an accelerated timeline and under stressful conditions. Components of online education shifted from secondary to primary importance for nearly all institutions. As a result, some colleges closed under the strain. Now in the post-pandemic phase, we can reflect on which pre-pandemic institutional efforts paid dividends during the crisis. As a lead on the planning and support of online programs at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, and as chair of the Mānoa Distance Learning Committee, the presenter was positioned to support and observe efforts in multiple programs. This presentation will discuss observations and predictions relating to promising institutional strategies that have and will continue to benefit our programs in the post-pandemic reality.

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