In Search of the Characteristics of Korean Social Service Policies: A Comparative Analysis with the UK and Japanese Cases (88724)
Saturday, 4 January 2025 17:00
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: 3F Hallway
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
This study analyzes the differences in the structure and mechanisms of social service systems in Korea, the United Kingdom, and Japan, focusing on the institutional context and service delivery system. Japan and the United Kingdom are relatively similar to Korea in terms of population size, economic level, proportion of the elderly population, and amount of spending on the elderly. On the other hand, Japan is characterized by the development of community care specialized for the elderly in relation to nursing care insurance (similar to Korea's long-term care insurance), and the United Kingdom is one of the earliest countries to introduce community care and has developed a local government and community-centered service delivery system under the National Health Service system, so it was judged that the comparability with the domestic situation is relatively high in terms of similarities and differences. This study summarizes the definition of social services and the main contents of social service policies in Korea. It examines the definition of social service concept, policy status of social service, social system, management system, and service delivery process in the United Kingdom and Japan, and identifies the differences in social service system based on the overall review of social service policy changes. Based on the comparative analysis of social service policy direction, promotion strategy, and management method in each country, it aims to identify the characteristics of Korean social service policy.
Sunhee Kim, Hankyong National University, South Korea
About the Presenter(s)
Sunhee Kim is professor at Hankyong National University.
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