Digital Nature: Designing and Developing Inclusive Arboretum Experiences for Individuals with Disabilities (87702)
Saturday, 4 January 2025 17:00
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: 3F Hallway
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
This work-in-progress study addresses the challenge of creating accessible digital learning experiences for individuals with cognitive disabilities. The research evaluates and enhances an interactive e-book about a botanical garden in Hawaii. The e-book was originally developed for K-8 students unable to physically explore the arboretum, featuring virtual tours and interactive activities using H5P and Augmented Reality technologies.
The study aims to adapt these materials for two specific groups: Members of a Best Buddies college chapter (a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities). Members of Hawaii Young Adults in Transition (HYAIT) (young adults on the autism spectrum)
By tailoring the E-book to these groups, the research seeks to address the unique cognitive processing needs of learners with various disabilities, making the educational content more accessible and engaging.
Research Questions: 1. How effectively does the interactive E-book accommodate the varied accessibility needs of Best Buddies and HYAIT participants? 2. What specific features and design elements best support users with different physical and cognitive disabilities, including those on the autism spectrum?
Methodology: Participants: 8-10 neurotypical supervisors paired with members of Best Buddies chapter and HYAIT. Data Collection: (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025): Observations, online surveys, and focus groups. Intervention: E-book with virtual tours, H5P activities, and augmented reality features. Analysis: Qualitative thematic analysis of survey responses and focus group transcripts
Expected Outcomes: Insights into effective design principles for creating accessible digital materials for individuals with cognitive disabilities, informing future development of inclusive educational resources.
Robin Dazzeo, University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States
Shamila Janakiraman, University of Hawaii, United States
Sandra Oshiro, University of Hawaii, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Robin Dazzeo, doctoral student and instructor at University of Hawaii. Passionate about inclusive education, UDL, and educational technology. Currently researching the integration of generative AI in inclusive instructional design.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Saturday Schedule
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