Leveraging Generative AI in Education: An Analysis of Performance, Satisfaction, and Dependency (89844)

Session Information:

Saturday, 4 January 2025 17:00
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: 3F Hallway
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC-10 (Pacific/Honolulu)

The development of Generative AI (GAI) has transformed various aspects of people’s lives, including business, healthcare, education, marketing, and the arts. GAI enhances efficiency and enables personalized services. However, these benefits are accompanied by misinformation, hallucinations, and privacy concerns. Excessive reliance on GAI may lead to dependency on technology and a decline in problem-solving abilities. Nevertheless, when applied appropriately, GAI can make work more efficient and productive, highlighting the importance of adopting it as an effective tool.
This importance is evident in education as well. GAI risks causing confusion due to misinformation, and students may become overly reliant on it, potentially reducing independent thinking. Conversely, GAI can be a valuable tool, offering personalized explanations, enabling questions at any time and place, and reducing unnecessary effort in the learning process.
This study involved 94 native Korean speakers with a high school education level or higher to analyze the impact of GAI usage on academic performance, learning satisfaction, and related factors. Participants engaged in three stages—understanding study materials, problem-solving, and review—using GAI, and results were compared according to their pre-existing levels of GAI dependency. Additionally, we investigated participants’ perceptions of GAI usage in learning, highlighting the need for GAI and the importance of educating users on its proper use. This study emphasizes the need for new learning methods incorporating GAI and provides insights into its effective application in educational settings.

Daeho Lee, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
Somi Joo, Department of Human-AI Interaction Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00