An Experimental Study on Methodology for the Use of Picture Comprehension of Sewing Technology (89829)

Session Information:

Saturday, 4 January 2025 17:00
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: 3F Hallway
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC-10 (Pacific/Honolulu)

This study aims to design a methodological model to support students’ skills to use picture comprehension of Sewing Technology. In analyzing how deeper and to what extend technological planning and sewing schemes have been integrated in the contents of the curriculum and textbook for secondary schools, we conducted research on how the second-year students of Design and Technology could comprehend the picture information; assessed their picture comprehension skills by giving tests suitable to each skill, and defined the level of skills: reading information shown in pictures, explaining schemes described in simple pictures, studying methodology of applying in the same situation, comprehending and applying information in pictures. As the theoretical and methodological basis of the study, we used modern theories on education studies and its general principles and developmental learning theory to assess students and teachers’ skills that construct and develop knowledge. The results of the study have proved that it is possible to improve students’ skills to comprehend and analyze sewing schemes and picture information have improved. Finally, the findings indicate that the students have possessed the skills to comprehend, perceive, imagine, express by imagination, simplify, apply, and transform picture information, its structure, components, and the order to draw it.

Bayarjargal Vanchinsuren, Mongolian National University of Education, Mongolia

About the Presenter(s)
I am a design technology teacher at the Department of Technology, School of Fine Arts and Technology, Mongolian National University of Education. I teach the courses such as Sewing Technology, Material Studies and Design.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00