The Impact of Collaborative Online International Learning on Beginner-level Language Learners (89819)

Session Information:

Saturday, 4 January 2025 17:00
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: 3F Hallway
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC-10 (Pacific/Honolulu)

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a virtual exchange that connects students and faculty in different countries for collaborative learning as a versatile pedagogical approach in any discipline. In the field of language education, COIL can provide students with opportunities of authentic cultural learning through interacting with speakers of their respective target languages. While a tandem model, which typically involves two or more learners with different native languages working together to improve their target language, is common and enables language learners to engage in authentic language exchanges, integrating COIL into beginner-level language classrooms has its own benefits.

In this presentation, we will highlight examples of COIL projects conducted at a U.S. higher education institution collaborating with a university in Japan. The implementing COIL into the beginner-level Japanese courses provided the language learners with meaningful cultural engagement beyond the classroom. Through their interactions, the students were able to learn various aspects of the Japanese culture from the students who live in Japan, and they had the opportunity to reflect on and examine their own cultures with a different lens. According to the students’ reflections, they also developed a sense of closeness and an appreciation for language as a communication tool. It was also revealed that their experiences significantly enhanced their motivations to continue language studies and pursue study abroad opportunities. In addition to the benefits COIL provides for students, this presentation will share the instructor’s perspectives on its implementation, including strategies, benefits, and challenges.

Miho Hamamoto, University of Denver, United States
Tomoe Nishio, University of North Georgia, United States

About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Hamamoto is a Teaching Associate Professor of Japanese, overseeing the first-year Japanese program at the University of Denver.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00